Julie Gossen
Biodiversity: taking sustainable action
The World Economic Forum estimates that half of the world's GDP is significantly reliant on nature and its resources. The ongoing decline in biodiversity poses a substantial risk to businesses, investors, and the economy overall. As committed investors, we regard biodiversity as a critical issue that we prioritize in our investments.

Biodiversity is therefore essential and much more important to our daily lives than we often realise.

Julie Gossen, Responsible Investment Specialist at DPAM


a fundamental issue

Over 80% of our medicines originate from nature. Our phones contain metals and minerals like copper and lithium. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, and seeds require pollinators such as birds, bees, and butterflies.

Without these resources, our daily lives would be vastly different. Biodiversity is thus essential and far more crucial to our everyday lives than we often realize.

Listen to the story of Julie Gossen,
Responsible Investment Specialist at DPAM

Julie Gossen Sustainable. Stories.

A complex


Integrating respect for biodiversity into investment decisions is inherently complex. To address this, Degroof Petercam Asset Management (DPAM) has developed expertise in biodiversity through research and dialogue with stakeholders.

We are proud to be among the first signatories of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), which aims to enhance the monitoring of nature-related financial disclosures, including impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities.
Sustainable. Stories. Biodiversity



Recognizing the significant challenge that biodiversity presents to investors and the companies in which we invest, DPAM has established the Responsible Investment Competence Center (RICC). The RICC employs five full-time ESG specialists, each with expertise in various operational areas. This team focuses on environmental issues, particularly biodiversity, and how to integrate biodiversity considerations into our investment decisions.

Discover all the stories

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Net Zero: investing sustainably

"Did you know that today, 72% of companies invested in sustainable asset funds already have a Net Zero objective?"
Sustainable. Stories. Vanessa Speleers

Sustainable growth

"The Foundation is committed to the long term and opts for unrestricted funding."
Julie Gossen

Biodiversity: acting sustainably

"Investing in biodiversity today plants the seeds for a thriving and resilient economy tomorrow."
Alexia Dernelle

Sustainable learning

"Working at Degroof Petercam enables me to align my personal values with my professional responsibilities."
Laura Roba

ESG research: sustainable integration

"We are convinced that financial analysis alone does not reflect the reality in which companies operate."
Kira Zouboff

Sustainable mobility

"At Degroof Petercam, we are aware that mobility is one of the main challenges in the ecological transition."
Sustainable. Stories. Engagement Matthew Welch

Sustainable engagement

"As investors, we don't only provide capital, but we also have a voice in how these entities are runned."
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