
At the heart of the news and your portfolios thanks to our digital tools

With My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg, access your portfolio freely, wherever and whenever you want

Get a clear and dynamic overview of your assets while tracking the performance of your investments. Follow the evolution of the markets and the major movements of your assets.
The free online platform My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg, available on smartphone and computer (PC and Mac), gives you access to your portfolio in complete security: a real gain in time and autonomy.
From your computer, your various documents are easily accessible: you can then download, archive and print them if necessary.

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My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg

A secure way to access your accounts in a much more reliable way than by post or e-mail
A clear view of your assets and their evolution, from different angles and by printing out what interests you
Receive news related to your portfolio (via smartphone notifications)
The freedom to consult your portfolio whenever and wherever you want
My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg brochure


My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg
Want to know more advantages of My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg?
Discover them in our brochure.


your access

to My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg
You are a client and you do not have your access yet?
Contact our Digital Care Service:
By phone: +352 45 35 45 27 27
By email:
This team is available from Monday to Friday (9 am to 5:30 pm) and will send you the documents and forms relating to My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg.

The team members are also at your disposal to assist you during your various connections.
Navigating Blog Degroof Petercam

Discover our experts' analysis and research on our blog

Keep up to date with the latest market developments and trends decrypted by our experts: developments in the global economy, impact on your investments and your wealth.
Keep up to date with the latest tax news (local and international).

Achieve your goals and ambitions with an international private bank.

Depending on your local or cross-border situation.
Your private or professional assets may be local or cross-border in nature and require tailormade support. Whether you live in Luxembourg or abroad, we use your objectives as a guideline to help you achieve your ambitions, here and elsewhere.