Degroof Petercam Foundation

In 2008, Degroof Petercam created its Foundation, an organization of public benefit that is today one of the ten largest foundations in Belgium.

Through the Foundation, Degroof Petercam selects and supports innovative solutions for increasing job creation and employment.

Marie Melikov

The Degroof Petercam Foundation believes in a sustainable and inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to shine.

Marie Melikov, Board Member Degroof Petercam Foundation

Partners speaking

Marie Melikov & Silvia Steisel
Marie Melikov
Board Member Degroof Petercam Foundation
We identify three themes to achieve our goals. We support solutions that support the growth of competencies that match the current needs of the labor market, we encourage entrepreneurship to create more jobs, and we open up the labor market to those who need it most. In order to do that, we support high-potential organizations. Each one of them has a scale-up ambition, systematically makes a difference and offers innovative solutions.
Silvia Steisel
Managing Director Degroof Petercam Foundation
Every year, the Degroof Petercam Foundation selects a project and awards it a €1 million grant. In addition to the financial support, the Foundation also follows the project closely for five years and guarantees access to its expertise and network. But we also offer social financing. In this regard, we provided bridging loans to our grantee organizations to cover the time gap from fiscal year 2020. In addition, we also award grants to projects that quickly provided solutions to problems caused by the corona crisis.