Duo for a job en Degroof Petercam

The search for a suitable job is full of obstacles, especially for those with a migration background. That is why Degroof Petercam is joining forces with Duo for a Job, an organization that brings together young job seekers with people over 50 or retirees to simplify access to the job market.

Frédéric Simonart

Thanks to their 50-plus mentor, young people have a 30 percent greater chance of getting a job.

Frédéric Simonart, CEO Duo for a Job

Partners speaking

Frédéric Simonart
Frédéric Simonart
CEO Duo for a Job
Immigrant youth often have a hard time finding a job. Especially in big cities, youth unemployment remains high, and this has hardly changed over the past decade. Young people from the European Union are hit hardest. That is why we came up with the idea of putting young people who are looking for a job in contact with volunteers, people over 50, to guide them for six months in their search for a job. A method that is paying off, since our young people are 30% more likely to find a job thanks to their mentor.
Marie Melikov
Marie Melikov
Board Member Degroof Petercam Foundation
Degroof Petercam Foundation (DPF) was established in 2008 as a public benefit foundation and is now among the ten largest Belgian foundations. We select and support innovative employment solutions. Solutions that focus on the development of skills for the future and help people who find it difficult to access a job. In this, Duo for a Job is a valuable partner that achieves wonderful results in their guidance of young people to the employment market.